Monday, December 13, 2004
A Fictional Letter to a Forgotten Friend
Ah, my friend! How long it has been since I have enjoyed your presence! I have seen you passing by and I have heard your voice from across the way, but, I've been too busy to stop and talk. We do talk in the morning at work everyday, but that's just business talk. Its important for me to focus on the upcoming project, so I can't afford to really listen to you unless your telling me something that relates to my project. People think that we're the best of friends 'cause I talk about you a lot. Most of the time though I talk about you when I get in discussions with other people. It's easier for me to convince people when I can tell you that you agree with me, and that way, when they don't listen to me, I can pass it off and tell them that really they aren't listening to you.
Sometimes when I'm feeling nostaligc, I get out the old pictures and letters I've received from you. It's great to remember all the good times we used to have, isn't it? Sometimes you made me smile, and sometimes I'd cry. You were always the best at comforting me when things were rough. Just thinking about it is almost like experiencing it all over again.
Well I've gotta go to the discipleship meeting. We're talking about how people don't make Scripture important enough in their lives and what to do about it. I've got some great ideas and I can't wait to share them with the group.
I'm sure I'll see you at Bible study this week. You're gonna be there, right?
If you don't recognize this person, read Psalm 1: The blessed man avoids several things, but what is it that he does?